IDEO website's new landing page concept mocked up in a MacBook Air and in front of a light blue background.


IDEO Website


Web Design / Prototyping


IDEO (internal)




In summer of 2019, I was an Interaction Design intern at IDEO in Cambridge, MA. During that time, I developed a series of concepts for the redesign of IDEO’s website. I researched, conceptualized, designed, and prototyped new interactive models for IDEO’s landing page, working closely with a wide range of company stakeholders such as IDEO’s Global Design Director, Interaction and Communication Designers, Software Engineers, and Design Strategists.


The redesign of IDEO's website was based on the development of a new navigation system. For this purpose, the company defined six keywords — Growth, Change, The Future, Society, Experiences, and You — all of which informed the basis of the new navigation and framed each of the new content pages. My task was to develop a series of interactive concepts for the new page menu and to create a seamless transition from the landing page to the new content pages.

My concepts emphasized IDEO’s culture, people, and values. My intention was to focus on IDEO’s process, its diverse community, and unique set of methodologies and tools. This led me to integrate a variety of media into my concepts such as pictures and videos of past work, anecdotes and quotes from members of IDEO’s community of designers, and visual and textual representations of IDEO’s design principles and ethics.

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